Summer Sports & Wellness Camp

Camp Information

Health City Kids Sports and Wellness Youth Camps are a fun and exciting way to learn how to play smart, eat smart, and live well. Activities may include basketball, flag football, pickleball, kickball, track & field, capture the flag, aerobics, obstacle course, wallyball, dodgeball, bouldering wall, plus other exciting sports and fitness activities. While we want to educate our Health City Kids on basic sports skills and healthy choices, our main focus is on having fun and practicing good sportsmanship!

Registration: April 21 until full

Days: Monday- Thursday

Time: 9:00 am- 11:00 am

Fee: $45 per session

Ages: 6-12 years old

Session 1: June 2-12
Session 2: July 7-17

Online Registration

Online registration is quick and easy. Follow the link below and follow the instructions on the website.

Youth Sports

We also offer a variety of youth sports year round, click below to learn more!

Looking for a Recreation Center membership?

You can see our pricing and find additional information by visiting our membership page! Or, give us a call and we’ll answer any questions you may have.



315 E. 600 S.
Smithfield, UT 84335
(435) 563-0048